We are revamping our site, and will be live with a new version by next month.

A on-premise managed ETL tool to egress data from GCP BQ. This is powered by Multivariate AI

Unlock the Power of BigQuery: Our ETL solution is designed to seamlessly tap into the wealth of data stored in Google BigQuery. We can ingest any format of tables or underlying columns.

Flexible Destination Options: We support major databases – including Postgres, Cassandra, Redshift etc. However, for sake of simplicity, we aim to host it on our infrastructure.

Tailored for Your Business: Our ETL service is not just a tool; it’s a tailored solution crafted to align with your specific data integration goals. We provide a seamless bridge between your BigQuery data and the destination of your choice, ensuring a smooth and efficient ETL process.

Contact us to learn more about the offering. We can egress analytics, search console or any sort of data using our infra.


Related :   ETL PlayStore Data From Appvector to Airbyte