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Local search engine optimization (SEO) strategy plays a vital role in making your business more visible in local search results in Google. It helps you get more customers from organic search. So, without further ado, let’s understand the significance of local SEO and how you can implement it in your business. 

What is Local SEO?

Local SEO means that it is a practice for improving your online presence to get more business from local searches. These searches take place on many search engines. However, local SEO is mostly focused on optimizing for Google users. It is a targeted SEO approach tailored to targeting specific geographic areas, allowing businesses to rank higher in those regions. 

A successful local SEO strategy ensures that your website appears prominently in local search results when users are seeking relevant services or products in their area. For instance, let’s say you own a coffee shop in a bustling neighborhood. You want to attract more foot traffic and increase brand awareness among local customers. In this scenario, local SEO would help your coffee shop rank higher in search results when someone in your area searches for terms like “local coffee shop” or “best coffee shop near me.” 

The goal of local SEO is to connect your business with nearby customers who are actively searching for products or services like yours. By optimizing your online presence for local searches, you can increase your visibility in your community and drive more traffic to your physical location. So, before we proceed into the intricacies of how local SEO functions, we have to understand how Google works. 

How Does Google Work?

Google dominates the search engine landscape with over 90% of the global market share, making it the primary focus for understanding search engine ranking factors. According to Google’s Webmaster Guidelines, its intricate ranking system depends on a multitude of factors that contribute to a website’s position in search results.

Contrary to common belief, securing a top spot on Google’s search engine entails more than merely aligning keywords on a webpage with a user’s search query. However, the indexing process is not as straightforward as you might think. When a user initiates a search query, Google does not conduct a real-time exploration of the entire internet. Instead, it relies on a cached version of websites stored in its vast repository known as the Google Index. 

To compile the Google Index, Google employs automated programs called “spiders” to systematically crawl the web. These spiders start from a single website and navigate through its links to explore subsequent pages, continually expanding their reach across the internet. The scale of this crawling operation is truly staggering, with trillions of web pages crawled at a rapid pace to ensure the index remains current and comprehensive. 

In essence, when users enter a search query, Google’s algorithm evaluates various website signals or ranking factors to identify the most relevant matches. This process involves analyzing factors such as content’s relevance, authority, and user experience to generate a curated list of search results tailored to the user’s query. By understanding the intricate workings of Google’s indexing and ranking mechanism, businesses can optimize their online presence to enhance visibility and attract organic traffic from search engine users. 

How Does Local SEO Work?

Local search engine optimisation operates differently. When it comes to local organic search results, Google has recognized that individuals seeking specific types of businesses often prefer results from nearby locations. Therefore, Google’s local search algorithm considers proximity, meaning it factors in your location when you look up a local keyword, even if you don’t include a city name or “near me” or “nearby” in the search. 

For instance, suppose you are running errands and you want to find the nearest grocery store. If you search for “Grocery store” on Google, you’ll likely see a list of nearby grocery stores in the local search results, tailored to your current location. However, if you were at home and searched for the same thing, you would get different results. This makes sense because you were looking for a grocery store close to your residence. 

While local search has been around for some time, its importance was limited when people primarily used desktop computers. But with the rise of mobile internet access, mobile searches have skyrocketed, making local SEO vital for the success of businesses offering local products or services, as well as for local marketers. 

Local SEO operates with a dual focus, as Google presents two distinct types of search outcomes for local inquiries- the “map pack” results and the organic “blue link” results. Achieving visibility in both segments is crucial for local search optimization.

  • Map Pack Results: Map pack results, also referred to as local pack, represent a prominent feature in Google’s search engine results (SERPs). This feature displays the top local business listings alongside a map. It occupies a prime position at the top of Google’s search results for local queries. 
  • Organic Search Results: Organic search results, commonly known as “10 blue links,” constitute the traditional listings users encounter in their search results. These results typically appear beneath the map pack results. They offer users additional options beyond localized business listings, providing a comprehensive view of relevant search results. 
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How to Perform Local SEO Keyword Research?

Local keyword research involves delving into individual searches for specific services you provide within your locality. This process is crucial because optimizing your content based on actual search queries enhances your visibility and ensures that you attract relevant traffic. 

Let’s explore how you can effectively conduct local keyword research:

Step 1: Identify Service-Based Keywords

Many businesses overlook the different ways in which potential customers might search for their services. For instance, if you offer landscaping services, some clients may search for generic terms like “landscaper,” while others may seek more specific services like “land mowing” or “tree trimming.” 

To begin, brainstorm and compile a list of the services that you offer. This comprehensive list serves as the foundation for optimizing your content to align with the search queries of your target audience. 

Here is an example of basic search queries for a landscaping business:

  • Land mowing
  • Garden design
  • Tree trimming
  • Hedge trimming
  • Lawn fertilization
  • Irrigation installation

To expand your list, use these service keywords as “seeds” to discover additional services that potential customers may be searching for. Additionally, leverage online tools like Google Keyword Planner to conduct further research and identify relevant keywords with high search volumes and low competition. 

You can also use our Keyword suggestion tool or Keyword Generator Tool to get relevant keywords for your business. This data-driven approach ensures that you can optimize your content effectively to attract local customers seeking your services. 

Step 2: Assess Search Volumes

Traditional keyword research tools provide insights into national search volumes. However, if you require search volumes tailored to your specific state, city, or town, you can opt for Google Keyword Planner. Nonetheless, it is essential to acknowledge that Keyword Planner has its limitations. 

Google’s Keyword Planner presents search volumes in broad ranges (e.g., 1K-10K), rather than precise figures. This lack of granularity can make it challenging to pinpoint the exact search volume for a given keyword. Moreover, the planner often groups similar keywords together and can provide a combined, rounded search volume for the entire group. This aggregation of data can obscure the individual search volumes for specific keywords. 

Given these limitations, assessing the relative popularity of keywords at the national level can yield more actionable insights. This approach is grounded in the understanding that search trends and behaviors often exhibit consistency across different cities and regions. Therefore, you can utilize Search & App Rank Tracker, a multi-tool to identify relevant keywords along with their search volume. 

Step 3: Check for Local Intent

Local intent signifies that searchers are seeking nearby businesses or services. This aspect is crucial in determining whether a particular search query presents an opportunity for local SEO optimization. 

To assess a query for local intent, conduct a Google search and examine the results. If the search yields a map pack accompanied by local “blue link” results, it indicates local intent. Conversely, if there are no map packs or local “blue link” results, the query lacks local intent. 

While it is still possible to target keywords without local intent, such endeavors fall outside the scope of optimizing localized SEO. Instead, they may require alternative strategies to capture non-local search traffic effectively. 

Step 4: Assign Keywords to Pages

It is not likely that your homepage will rank prominently for all service-related keywords. Hence, you will need to strategically target specific keywords with dedicated pages on your website. When assigning keywords to URLs, consider the services they represent and ensure alignment between the content and search intent. 

For instance, if your landscaping business offers diverse services like “garden design” and “lawn maintenance,” it’s prudent to allocate them to separate pages to provide focused and relevant information to users. 

On the contrary, if multiple keywords correspond to the same service offering, such as “tree trimming” and “tree pruning,” consolidating them onto a single page can streamline the user experience and enhance the page’s relevance and authority.  

How to Optimize Your Website for Local SEO?

Shifts in consumer behavior over the past few years have emphasized the preference for the comfort of one’s home over venturing out, regardless of unpredictable circumstances like the pandemic. This shift in consumer behavior has implications for local businesses, prompting them to adapt accordingly. One crucial adjustment involves ensuring the optimal performance of the websites, not only in terms of attracting clients but also in being discoverable by them.

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While various areas require attention, including content, link building, and technical SEO aspects, it is essential to address the low-hanging fruit first. These initial steps are integral to ensuring your website’s visibility in local listing SEO before delving into more comprehensive optimization efforts. 

Local SEO Ranking Factors

Here are some of the essential factors you need to consider before doing any other local SEO activities:

  • Google My Business (GMB)

Optimizing your business’s GMB page can significantly enhance its visibility, particularly for physical stores, and attract more visitors to your website or establishment. Studies indicate that a large portion of consumers rely on search engines to find local businesses, with a substantial percentage visiting the business within the same day. 

Moreover, it is widely observed that businesses appearing on the first page of search results receive the majority of the clicks, as a significant number of users do not scroll past the initial page of results. Therefore, to secure a prominent position on Google’s search results, especially for local businesses, the first crucial step is to claim your Google My Business listing. Follow the below steps to create your GMB listing:

  • Claim Your GMB Profile: Verify whether your business already has a listing by searching for our business name on Google. If a listing exists, you can claim it by selecting “claim your listing” and completing the verification process. If no listing exists, navigate to the GMB page, click “Manage Now,” and then proceed to “Add your business to Google.”
  • Fill up the Form: Provide accurate information such as business name, address, phone number, category, and website. Consistency across all platforms, including your website and online directories, is essential. 
  • Verify Your Listing: Once you have saved your GMB profile, verify your listing through text or email. A verification code will be mailed to you, which you will need to enter on the GMB website to complete the verification process. 
  • Set Operating Hours: Ensure that you add your business’s operating hours to inform customers of your availability.
  • Optimize Your Description: Use the description section to provide a concise overview of your business offerings and credentials. Incorporate relevant keywords for local SEO and include a compelling call to action. 
  • Utilize Attributes: Highlight unique features of your business, such as Wi-Fi availability, restroom facilities, or pet-friendly policies. Use specific attributes to distinguish your business. 
  • Upload Business Photos: Showcase your business with high-quality images, including storefront photos and your business logo. This enhances your listing’s visual appeal.
  • Update Customers with Posts: Engage with your audience by regularly posting updates and announcements on your GMB listing to keep visitors informed about your business. 
  • Request and Respond to Reviews: Encourage customers to leave reviews and promptly respond to feedback whether positive or negative. This demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction and enhances your business’s credibility.
  • Local Citations

A local business refers to the online mention of your business’s name, address, and phone number (NAP). It is essential to ensure your presence in prominent directories and maintain consistency in your business details across all citations. Before proceeding to update other platforms, it is crucial to verify that your N.A.P. information is accurately reflected on every page of your website. 

Once you have ensured consistency on your website, the next step is to update your business information on various business directories. Whether it is Yelp, Google My Business, LinkedIn, Facebook, or any other directory, expanding your presence across these platforms can significantly enhance your local visibility. Use tools to identify existing listings and determine which online directories require updates. 

  • Local Reviews

Customer reviews serve as a testament to the quality of a business’s products or services, providing validation for its claims. Recognizing the significance of reviews, Google prioritizes businesses with higher ratings, not only within its own listings and carousel but also across other local directories such as Yelp. 

To capitalize on this opportunity, it is essential to actively solicit reviews from past customers. Whether through email outreach or SMS prompts, encouraging customers to leave reviews can significantly impact the online reputation and visibility of a business. Positive reviews influence Google rankings and sway potential customers in favor of one business over another based on glowing recommendations. Streamline the review acquisition process using various online tools. 

  • Links
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Like reviews, links also serve as crucial indicators of a website’s credibility and authority, akin to votes of confidence from other online platforms. As Google confirmed in 2016, backlinks constitute one of the top three ranking factors. Over time, the significance of links in conventional local rankings has steadily increased. However, their importance in map pack rankings has remained relatively consistent. 

To optimize your link-building efforts, consider the following best practices:

  • Secure Links from High-Authority Sites: Acquire backlinks from reputable websites with high domain authority to enhance your site’s credibility and improve its search engine rankings. 
  • Analyze Competitor Backlinks: Identify and obtain backlinks that your competitors have secured, leveraging similar sources to enhance your website’s link profile. 
  • Pursue Local Citations: Local citations often include links to your website and can significantly contribute to your local SEO efforts. Ensure your business information is accurately listed in local directories and platforms. 
  • Claim Unlinked Mentions: Monitor online mentions of your business and claim any unlinked references. By converting these mentions into your backlinks, you can further enhance your website’s authority and visibility. 
  • Reclaim Lost Links: Redirect old versions of your web pages to their updated counterparts to reclaim any lost links. This ensures that your website maintains its link equity and preserves its ranking potential. 
  • On-page SEO

On-page SEO involves refining individual web pages to boost their visibility in organic search results, crucial for both general and local SEO. This includes strategic keyword implementation, optimizing meta tags, and aligning content with user search intent. Recognizing the growing importance of on-page SEO, it is vital to fine-tune website content accordingly. 

Adhering to the best practices such as tailoring pages to user intent, ensuring accurate NAP information, and optimizing meta titles, and descriptions is key. Additionally, optimizing images, employing internal linking, and providing relevant details further enhance SEO performance. By following these local SEO strategies, businesses can enhance their online visibility and attract traffic effectively.

Businesses that Need Local SEO

Here are some of the popular businesses that would benefit from local SEO services:

  • Accounting and Finance

In today’s digital landscape, ensuring potential clients can easily find your accounting or finance services online is crucial. Local SEO for accountants enables prospective clients to locate your business and access relevant information, facilitating meaningful interactions and informed decision-making.  

  • Home Remodeling

Optimizing for local search is essential to ensure your home remodeling business stands out. Failure to implement local SEO techniques means potentially missing out on connecting with nearby homeowners seeking remodeling services.

  • Medical Industry

Local SEO is indispensable for professionals like plastic surgeons, chiropractors, and dentists who serve local communicates. By optimizing their online presence healthcare professionals can ensure patients can easily locate and engage with their services. 

  • Real Estate

Most buyers conduct extensive research before purchasing, making local SEO essential for real estate agents and firms. Optimizing for local search enables agents to attract clients within specific geographical regions, enhancing visibility and engagement. 

  • Restaurants

In an age where people heavily rely on mobile devices for restaurant-related inquiries, local SEO is vital for eateries. By optimizing their online presence restaurants can enhance visibility driving foot traffic and attracting both local patrons and visitors to their establishments. 

How to Do Local SEO Marketing Correctly?

In business as in e-commerce location holds significant value, particularly in securing a prominent position on the first page of Google search results. However, this is merely the starting point. Delving deeper into the intricacies of local SEO and comprehending its various factors is essential for elevating a business’s visibility on search engine results pages. 

The realm of local search is rapidly expanding, underscoring the importance of not only keeping pace with developments but also staying ahead of the curve. The emphasis lies on anticipating and adapting to emerging trends and changes, as this plays a pivotal role in establishing and maintaining a competitive edge. Whether through engaging the services of an SEO expert or conducting personal research, the primary objective remains consistent: maximizing visibility within a specific geographic area.

Enhancing every local aspect of a website is crucial to achieving this objective and accelerating business growth. By optimizing local SEO strategies, businesses can effectively broaden their reach and connect with a larger audience within their target locality. 


Therefore, local SEO plays a crucial role in your business. By optimizing your website’s digital footprint in the local-oriented search ecosystem, your business can show up higher on the SERPs, leading to more traffic and business. Follow this local SEO guide to implement the relevant measures and level up your business.